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Graduation Time


What a blessing our church has gained in having this talented christian girl who loves God in our church. Since Meagan Areno first started coming to NLAC she has fit right in. God has blessed the music team with an additional praise singer. She has joined in with our Youth/Young Adult class, and is so willing to help out in all that we ask of her. God always has a plan we might not always know what it is at the time, but He does.

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you"

CONGRATULATIONS to Meagan who graduates this weekend from UMO. She has gone 4 years and will have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science and Disorders. Her goal is to become a speech and language pathologist.

Making decisions in life are challenging, you have so many

different directions of where life can lead you and knowing what path to take. But no matter what life brings your way, He will always be with you.

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